Posted 01.17 by my rebel in Label:
8Band Members
- mao ( vocal )

- pepi ( bass )

- cmull ( guitar )

- solut (drum )

Influences The used, AFI, Avril, MCR, Norah Jones, etc...
Sounds Like thieves on the highstreet!
Type of Label Indie

Beranggotakan Maw (vokal), Pepi (Bass), Cmul (Gitar) dan Satria (Drum) band ini memilih genre Alternative Screamo sebagai pakem musik mereka. Band yang dibentuk pertengahan tahun 2005 ini lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh band-band luar macam The Used, AFI, dan My Chemical Romance. Screamo adalah sarana yang paling tepat untuk menuangkan perasaan kami para pembohong.Pada masa awal terbentuk, band ini bernama Thieves on the Highstreet. Namun karena berbagai pertimbangan, akhirnya pada akhir 2007 mereka bersepakat untuk mengubah nama band mereka menjadi Lolita Lies hingga sekarang. Tak ada cerita khusus yang melatarbelakangi pemilihan nama lolita lies.

LOLITA LIES. date of standing: July 17, 2005. base camp: denpasar, Bali. THE STORY: this band is made of faith, passion, and many feelings.and a band which did a good turn on making this band is NOUSE4NAME! Cus they united us, and we do like them! we put our BIGGEST respecting on them! Lolita..s not always about scream and growl, but it also about what we feel when we are playing our music we called alternative emotion. THE FACT: the 1st song that we played in studio is DUMB REMINDERS from NOUSE4ANAME! have u ever tried so hard to make ur song played on a radio but the announcers unwilling to play song from the lil.. group like yours? we have! have your band ever played in a small smokey bar, but many people come, they love ur music, and give u applause when ur band finish playing? Yes, we have! and,have u ever thought that someday ur band will be listened to, many people will like ur band, and the ticket of ur show will be sold out? hihi.THE MOTTO: Well, we are not a band with great skill, we are just a band with great dream!lolitafucknlies!

lolita booking and contact : pepi (+6281805512532)

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